

Dcarer goes abroad, and China's innovative wisdom comes to Vietnam!

The Hong Kong & Vietnam Dental Digitalization Process Conference was successfully held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on 16 September 2024. This digital exchange meeting is an important milestone for Dekaier to consolidate the country and go to the world!

The Hong Kong & Vietnam Dental Digital Technology Exchange Conference was delivered by Professor Zhou Guohui from Hong Kong, who is a top expert in maxillofacial surgery and oral digital technology in the world, with more than 10 years of experience in the clinical application of digital navigation, and has a wealth of complex clinical cases in digital navigation.

In this academic conference, Professor Zhou Guohui shared how to break through oneself and the influence of the external environment as a dentist in 2024, learn to use new technologies to improve clinical treatment efficiency, improve technical skills, and stay at the peak of technology; At the same time, it can also use digital technology to truly improve clinical efficiency, bring patients a longer and more effective treatment method, and bring a different clinical treatment experience.

In the academic sharing, Professor Zhou Guohui introduced in detail how to combine the digital navigation of Dcarer in the zygomatic implantation of the anterior teeth, the insufficient amount of mandible close to the neural tube, and the use of zygomatic implants for maxillary severe bone defects, so that different navigation registration methods and clinical operation can be used for different cases, so as to effectively improve the efficiency and accuracy of surgery.

About 50 dentists from the Vietnam Dental Union participated in this academic exchange meeting, and in the afternoon edentulous navigation practice, many doctors seriously experienced the stability and accuracy of Dcarer navigation, and also experienced the intelligence and convenience of Ai artificial intelligence in the process of digital program design.

Vietnamese dentists are young and enthusiastic, looking forward to digital technology, and at the end of the lecture, they still gathered to discuss the possibilities of more digitalization. As Professor Zhou Guohui said, Ai has arrived, we embrace it, learn from it, and use it to become a better version of ourselves!

In the future, Dcarer will continue to strengthen the country, so that users can continue to experience the latest digital technology safely and reliably, and at the same time, we will strive to bring Chinese wisdom to more dentists around the world, and promote the academic exchanges of "navigation dentists" at home and abroad!

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